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How can I help you?


During my workshop we will apply design thinking to a specific problem at your organization. The steps we will apply have been inspired by an innovative approach developed by the Institute of Design at Stanford. Even though there are as many design thinking processes as there are designers, all methods employed focus on a common set or focus: Inspiring multidisciplinary teams, focussing on the end-user, rapid prototyping to fail quickly and often as well as iterating again and again to produce a wide range of possibilities. Intense collaboration between different disciplines is absolutely necessary to a successful design thinking process.  


During my workshops we will apply certain techniques to destruct unconstructive negativity such as fear, resistance and the devil's advocat to arrive at the"A-Ha moment" and unleash creativity at your organization. Half-day workshops between 5 to 40 participants have been very successful at applying design thinking to a specific problem and arriving at an innovative solution. 


Note: I offer workshops both in Spanish or English.


To learn more click on the images below.

Are you ready to take Innovation to the Next Level?

How does this work?


We will go through all the steps together. I will explain in detail what each step entails and means but basically this is a very practical hands-on workshop where we will work on a specific problem statement at your organization and apply all of the steps of design thinking to arrive at a well-defined solution together at the end of the workshop.


Contact me for more information.

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