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Why invest in intercultural training?

Without proper cultural preparation, coaching and training misunderstandings among people of different cultures is practically preprogrammed, along with the accompanying loss in business deals, profit, productivity, job satisfaction levels, etc. More and more expatriates are send abroad in today's globalizing business but companies fail to give expatriates the proper time, investment and skills to do the job properly. Investing in intercultural training thus prepares the individual for his/her assignment abroad so he/she can ultimately do a better job, thus having a direct positive impact on bottom-line profits


Likewise, individuals that move abroad for other reasons, be it voluntary work, as part of an exchange program or as an accompanying spouse, need competent support and assistance in navigating the new country's cultural norms and values if they seek to avoid common pitfalls that can have damaging consequences and inhibit or delay success. Success here can be defined as whatever you think it contitutes, for example successful assimilation to the new country. 


You save:

  • Time

  • Money

You increase:

  • Productivity

  • Employee Satisfaction


What do I offer?


I offer intercultural workshops for staff and managers of business organizations, NGOs and educational institutions, that work in Argentina, as well as for individuals going on an assignment or exchange abroad.


I have worked and studied in seven countries on three continentes (Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, Australia, Peru and Argentina) and therefore have extensive inter-cultural experience and competence. Promoting understanding different cultures and cross-cultural awareness has been the motto of my life. 


I am a guest speaker at University CEMA in Buenos Aires about culture shock, help AIESEC's incoming exchange students assimilate to the Buenos Aires way of life, facilitate trainings for outgoing AIESEC students, and a contributor to SIETAR Argentina


I speak German, English and Spanish. 


Contact me for more information. 






Develop your 

Intercultural Competences!

Consider the following example: A German mid-senior manager is on an assignment abroad. He has researched Argentine cultural differences previously over the internet and has read that giving each other a kiss on the cheek as a greeting, not common in Germany, is expected in Argentina. However, he did not learn that the underlying norms and values that find its expression in these acts in general point to a culture, in which physical space is much smaller/closer as compared to Germany. In dialogues with his colleagues he is surprised and indignated at the frequent touching of his arm and general proximity of his conversational partner. Walter has not been trained in the underlying norms, values and basic assumptions of the Argentine culture and can therefore not adapt his behavior accordingly.

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